Friday, March 9, 2012

'Tis the Season

 I cannot wait to be able to paint my nails again this week. Once you partake in a sport like gymnastics you will never take nail polish for granted again!  We can’t have our nails painted for meets (which are once a week) so my nails are all natural almost all winter long.  Once our ECAC championship competition is done tomorrow, my nails will no longer be naked!

Nail polish has to be one of my favorite accessories!  You can change it everyday or keep it the same for days on end.  The number of colors is endless and the names are so quirky and cute that I want to own them all.  Super sister (that’s right, she is my personal Super Woman! Be jealous) thinks I have enough nail polish yet she always seems to ask for colors I haven’t bought yet.  My solution?  I will just keep buying.

Some of my favorite colors for spring! I cannot wait to try and pull off these combinations since I am that girl that always has her two ring finger nails painted a separate color!

tour de finance from - $8.00
orange, it's obvious from - $8.00
navigate her from - $8.00

What colors are you looking to accessorize your fingertips with this spring?

Stay Sunny !


  1. I LOVE Tour de Finance! I'm usually not a huge Essie fan, but I'm loving all of the new shades!

    P.S. Thanks so much for the follow! Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

    1. Totally agree! I love it!! .. and of course! I hope you had a great weekend too!
